Balsamic mushroom taco


I cooked dinner for my partner Bradley on the weekend which is always a little difficult because he’s very picky and loves plain meaty food however my palette is the opposite, I could graze on veges all day everyday. So for the entree I combined the meatiness of the mushroom in a balsamic reduction with the hard crunchy texture of a herb taco, it was a big hit!

Mushroom Taco


6 mini Tortillas
Tsp Mixed herbs
Salt and cracked pepper
1/2 cup Balsamic vinegar
Tsp Maple syrup
1 clove garlic
Tbsp Olive Oil
250g Portobello Mushrooms

Makes 24 canapés


1. Soak mushrooms in the balsamic, maple, garlic and oil for at least 30 minutes

2. Oven roast 20 minutes 180 degrees Celsius

3. Cut tortilla into mini circles and mould in mini cupcake tins

4. Dip paper towel in olive oil and baste the little tacos

5. Season tacos with mixed herbs salt and cracked pepper

6. Oven roast tacos for 12minutes or until begin to turn a toasty brown

7. Spoon cooked mushroom mixture into tacos

8. Garnish with thyme

Posted in Canapes | Tagged , canape, , fine dining, , good food, love food, mexican, mexico, mushroom, party, red wine, , taco, thyme, tortilla, wine

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