Did you know? To neutralize a glass of cola with a pH of 2.5, it would take 32 glasses of alkaline water with a pH of 10

The main aim of this post is to communicate that a healthy diet is a balanced diet made up of foods that are considered acidic and alkaline. The proportions is important and the best way to make decisions is to be educated.

“1931 Nobel Prize Winner Dr. Otto Warburg Has Already Proved the Cause of Cancer – An ACIDIC Body Environment.

“All normal cells have an absolute requirement for oxygen, but cancer cells can live without oxygen – a rule without exception. Deprive a cell 35% of its oxygen for 48 hours and it may become cancerous.”

Dr. Warburg has made it clear that the root cause of cancer is oxygen deficiency, which creates an acidic state in the human body.

Dr Warburg also discovered that cancer cells are anaerobic (do not breathe oxygen) and cannot survive in the presence of high levels of oxygen, as found in an alkaline body state.”


It is recommended to consume an approximate ratio of 60% alkaline and 40% acidic foods to maintain your body’s PH within a healthy realm of 7.35 – 7.45

 Did you know? To neutralize a glass of cola with a pH of 2.5, it would take 32 glasses of alkaline water with a pH of 10.

The PH Scale is as follows

Acidic 0 1 2  3  4  5  6  7 healthy  8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Alkaline

According to www.Essence-of-Life.com the most acidic foods to avoid are:

  •          Artifical Sweeteners
  •          Dairy products
  •          Processed foods
  •          MSG
  •          Hydrogenated fats
  •          Pork & Pork products
  •          Soft & Energy drinks
  •          Soy & Soy Products
  •          Sugars

FACT: Although it might seem that citrus fruits would have an acidifying effect on the body, the citric acid they contain actually has an alkalinizing effect in the system.

Note that a food’s acid or alkaline forming tendency in the body has nothing to do with the actual pH of the food itself. For example, lemons are very acidic, however the end products they produce after digestion and assimilation are very alkaline so, lemons are alkaline forming in the body. Likewise, meat will test alkaline before digestion, but it leaves very acidic residue in the body so, like nearly all animal products, meat is very acid forming.

Generally, alkaline foods include:  most fruits, green vegetables, peas, beans, lentils, spices, herbs and seasonings, and seeds and nuts.

Generally, acidic foods include: meat, fish, poultry, eggs, grains, and legumes.

Click the picture to download the free ebook that you can use to guide you with the classifications of foods

Acid Alkaline the foodlife

2 thoughts on “Did you know? To neutralize a glass of cola with a pH of 2.5, it would take 32 glasses of alkaline water with a pH of 10

  1. This is fantastic! Alkaline and acidity is an under discussed topic in my opinion. Great article.


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